Welcome to LV Tantra Massage
Tantric Massage Singapore:
Outcall massage services in Singapore for Tantric Massage, Yoni Massage, Lingam Massage, Prostate Massage, and Sensual Massage in Singapore.
Experience the comfort of a body massage in a trusted environment, where you can relax and sense the benefits of a body massage.
We welcome hotels, condominiums, and private apartments as locations for our services.
Benefit of Tantric Massage Singapore
We offer the best sensual tantric massage service in Singapore, Tantric massage is a type of massage based on the fundamental belief of channeling nature chakra energy to our inner body, to purge clean and restore the purest harmony of our soul. If you’re experiencing excessive stress, easily tired, low desire in sensual drive, then you should probably try tantra massage. According to our customers, many of them were able to restored a healthier harmony in mind after attended the tantra massage service we performed. Our Tantra Massage service give the ultimate touch of sensual relaxation to human bodies, and it also help to promote a healthier yet positive mindset.
- Tantric Massage
- A Tantric massage is truly a magical experience that lets your mind drift off into bliss while your body channels its positive energy to heal and arouse you
- Tantric Massage Prices:
- Standard Hours
- (10am - 12pm):
- 60 min price: S$250
- 90 min price S$350
- 120 min price S$450
- Lingam Massage
- The Lingam is the sacred male organ. The Lingam is quite simply a reproductive organ and nothing more. However, there is a reason why the Lingam is known as the “Wand of Light”.
- Yoni Massage
- The female Yoni is known as the “Sacred Temple” in Sanskrit. The Yoni is more than you know it to be. It is through this temple that life is created. It is where the sensual energy of a woman are stored.
- Prostate Massage
- If you want to get rid of all the anger, tension, mind frustration, confusion and stress in your life, then a prostate message is a great massage to get.
- Sensual Massage Singapore
- Sensual experience through massage is perceived and appealing through our senses and makes us to feel good with the pleasing touches.